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Art credit goes to Las-T at deviant art, and other unknowns. We do not claim to own or have created any of these pieces.


Name: Vythrel’Goth


Titles: “Archon of Krasimir” “Krasimir’s Wrath”


Role on Gaia: Ruler of Krasimir


Race: Human


Age: 280

Appearing Age: 28

Status: Alive


Sexuality: Heterosexual


Personality: Vythrel’Goth is described as unpredictable, often acting on emotional whims. Regardless of his age he is very childish, hates to lose, and has never shied away from hurting others.







Making Friends










Gift of the Goliath[Physical Strength] - Vythrel’Goth embodies raw unfiltered power, his physical power can rarely be equaled. He can destroy most objects with physical blows alone, and the effects of a single blow one any target can be devastating.


Kin of Spiders[Manual Dexterity] - Vythrel’Goth is a master of his own body, easily he is able to coordinate his hands, and feet. Skills he mastered to compliment his magical style of fighting.


The Shadowkings Dance[Reflexive Kinesthetics] - Vythrel’Goth embodies pure skill, and speed. Training constantly to avoid, dodge, and move with unimaginable accuracy, and reflex.


Curse of the Goliath[Bodily Toughness] - Vythrel’Goth is empowered by many great gifts, however he bares the burden of a fragile body. Contrary to his physical strength, and the speed, and skill in which he moves. His body is the opposite of these traits, itself is easily damaged, and cannot sustain more than a few blows of damage.

Chosen of the Triumvirate[Arcane Acumen] - Vythrel’Goth is blessed by vast knowledge covering the arcane arts, gifted by the gods with command of the wind itself. He has mastered the art of this magical skill, utilizing it in a way that greatly empowers his physical traits. He is able to bend, launch, blast, and otherwise control the very air itself with his physical movements. He typically uses his magic as an extension of his body, launching powerful blasts of air from his fist, or with kicks. Or adding huge amounts of pressure to his already devastating blows.


Air Manipulation - Vythrel’Goth utilizes his magic as a physical extension of his own abilities, therefore the drawbacks of his magic are similar to physical exertion. The larger the blast the more exhausting the attack can be. Using the magic as a basic extension of his limbs is the least draining on him, he can launch extended kicks or strikes without much exertion. However Vythrel’Goth can only utilizing the ability to muster 7 or 8 concentrated blasts, and if he puts all his power behind one giant blast he won’t be able to use his magic again for some time. The max range can only be launched 25ft before the air loses momentum, and the powerful air dissipates.


Curse of the Spider[Intellectual Capacity, Mental Fortitude, Spacial Awareness] - Vythrel’Goth is not a fool, however due to the vast magical power granted to him he was deprived of many things. His mind is mad, a curse from the very gods he worships.



Two-Hundred and Eighty years ago, Vythre’Goth was born as any other humanoid creature was. However, all events prior to his awakening within a gloom filled cave is marred by dark shadows. Vythrel’Goth woke within a dark damp cave without a trace of memories of who he was, or who he had once been only that he was now Vythrel’Goth.

Shadows danced, and laughed, and mocked his existence. He stared into these dark images, and something of true horror stared back at him. Within this cave he saw three distinct horrific monsters, one appeared a sleeping giant with the world lifted over its shoulders, the second was a monstrous spider that laughed with a thousand dark voices, the last was a black humanoid figure with no features except for a floating jagged crown of shadows. Vythrel’Goth left that cave, venturing blindly from town to town praising the power of what he now called “The Triumvirate.” 

He was mocked often, and listened to by few. Frustration built, and a darker side of him was revealed. When he slaughtered a family who threw some crass remarks his way, this action lead to the event now known as the “Night of Black Blood”. Vythrel’Goth slaughtered his way through scores of innocent people, displaying power unheard of within the region. Upon being discovered by a cult of fanatics they revered him as the “Archon of Wrath”. And thus the Triumvirate religion became a fanatic cult, of violent dangerous individuals.

Vythrel’Goth founded a council of himself, and six other individuals who he named the “Archbishops of Sin”. Together they slowly became the dominant religion in the country of Krasimir, slowly leading to a violent uprising that placed Vythrel’Goth as both head of state, and church in power. Upon establishing his position within the country, Vythrel’Goth had all previous Archbishops of Sin sacrificed, and is currently attempting to rebuild his council with powerful individuals.

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