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Name: Kovu Sosen
Height: 5’9’’
Weight: 150lbs
Race: Human
Role: Noble

Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Age: 20



Being underestimated
Small enclosed spaces
Feeling left out.
Random Violence 

Squash..Do not give him Squash…



As a kid Kovu was always playful, there was always a smile no matter where he was, that kind of happiness was just infectious, though because of that he had a hard time taking things seriously, there were numerous amounts of times when he would be learning combat from his mother only for Kovu to turn it into a small dance performance. Other than that it’s been filled with many study sessions, tag along trips to the capital, followed by week long hunting trips just because Altoria wants to teach Kovu how to ride on a Griffin. Overall his childhood was as normal as one could hope for. 



  • Bow and a quiver of arrows, (holding 20 arrows)

  • A runic necklace given to him by Shyama, he uses it as a focus when concentrating his magic

  • An eight inch hunting knife.

Ceremonial Trial
Pov: First person

“We were starting the final trial. I was the one of the last people to start it and I can tell you I found it so..Life giving.  I don’t know why but rushing through Volla’s forest during this night felt more lively than ever. Like I was feeling some kind of acceptance from Volla itself. Like it was cheering me on, wanting me to succeed the trial. I kid you not, the path I was meant to follow had lit up. Showing me  colors that we would only see up in the sky. There was a gust that pushed me along...I felt faster than I ever did. The whispers from the ancestors chanting just encouraged me to move forward. The funny thing is I didn’t track where I was going.. Now that I think about it I don’t think I could’ve..There was this deep fog that made it hard to distinguish my surroundings. The fog had only lifted after maybe an hour of traveling? 

Once the fog had cleared I heard some kind of thud on the snow, followed by a loud groan and a couple of growls?  Following the noise I found an orc. She huge, I mean like mom.. She was a behemoth. If she had given me her pants I promise you there would be at least four of me fitting in them. I didn’t know what to do, we’ve ran into Orcs before and usually it ended with some form of violence. Excluding a case or two… So Instinctively I would’ve drawn my bow and arrows, but after noticing the situation I decided against it. This person was hurt, there would’ve been no honor in trying to take it out and I didn’t even want to fight. I just took out the bandages that I had packed up, took out  the herbs from the gardens and went to try and aide her.

She was stubborn as hell. Threatening to maim me if I even attempted to help, but I didn’t feel any actual threat coming from her words. So, I did my best with the bandaging, made her some tea from the herbs and prayed to Volla that she would have a quick recovery. While I waited I started to sing father’s lullaby, you know the one where he sings about the world being my diamond and how pure it is.  Well, I think that was my way for her to open up?  Cause after talking with her. I learned that her name was Shyama Eldstrom, in exchange I gave her my name.Then we started talking about how we ended up here in the first place. She told me it was to find herself, going back to her roots while connecting to her god….. Livida? I think? So of course I had to tell her about the ceremony. No, I didn’t tell her the whole culture just the fact that I was doing  my final trial and not knowing what that trial was exactly I just ended up here… I explained how it was through Volla and the ancestors will that I was in this spot for this exact moment, and that it was probably to test my morals or some sort. We spent the rest of that night making up our own tunes. In the morning I decided that I wanted to help her hunt a Geistroll.. Mainly because I myself was hungry and eating Geistroll wouldn’t have made such a bad breakfast. Begrudgingly she accepted my request. We had gone to the mountains where we kind of waited awhile...I kind of stopped Shyama twice from making the killing blow on some, my main reason being that the first one was a baby, and the second one was a pregnant mother. Though as a reward we ended up killing a rather plump elderly Geistroll. We had our meal and went our separate ways after that. It was only after that interaction the fog would’ve came back as my path lit up again. The wind pushed me along as the ancestors started singing as I made it back to the village, and as my trophy Shyama gave me some kind of necklace..  It has runes on them, see! If I remember correctly the runes placed on here Ingwaz because how ancestry is so important to my--Our culture, Raidho for my future travels and for promoting magic and my love for singing and dancing, and last but not least, Tiwaz for spiritual growth and enlightenment.  This is a token of a new found friendship and I’m holding onto it for as long as I can..I guess the lesson I learned was about and I probably won’t ever...but I’ll tell you, Shyama is one badass Orc, I do hope we meet up again.”



Aerokinesis - Given his free-hearted nature, the element of wind had attuned to him, giving the ability to



  • Shape the air around him.  

Halo: (5 times, 10 total) 
Shape- Disks
Travel speed 40 mph.
Size: 4 feet diameter x 3 inches thick.
Two Disks shaped by the air will be thrown from Kovu and fly at the opponent. These disks can be guided lightly, but can not make any sharp turns. If hit, the opponent shall feel like they have been stung by a thousand needles. This is not fatal at all.


  • Use the air to blast his opponents away  (Max 17 feet) Those with a higher physical strength will be able to withstand the attack as if it was a windy day, after 5 posts the wind will only be able to send someone half the distance. 5 after that the wind will just be too weak to do really much anything other than mess up hair. The wind can be used to blow off incoming objects. 

  • (5 times)

  • To levitate himself, others and items (Max 17 feet) The wind does not generate under a person, so it is possible for someone with a higher physical strength stat or acumen to hold onto themselves/ send magic against the grip in order to keep their stuff.


 Lumokinesis- With his positive attitude, the element of light had also attuned to him,

giving him the ability to shape and manipulate light to his bidding. 

  • Constructs:        

{story} The Knight:
Height: 6’0’’
Weight: 200lbs
A standard knight that Kovu can summon mainly used for intimidation, not exactly a combat ready kind of thing cause anyone can just jab a sword through it and the contstruct would just shimmer away.
(5 times)

Flock: Birds!
Number: 20

Speed: 40 mph.
Usage: The move is an attack that Kovu uses as projectiles in case he ran out of arrows. The birds just hone in on a target and burn them on contact.  


  • The light may be visible or invisible to the human eye depending on the wavelength of said light. 

  • His light does emit heat, Kovu currently can only make his light heat up to a maximum of 121.1 Celcius (250  fahrenheit) 

 Kovu can not make Constructs that are more than 3x his height and weight. 

His ablities will drain him mentally if taxed for too long.

He may only use one construct per turn.

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